Child Enrolment Form

Step 1 of 7 Completed

Childs Details

It is important that you provide accurate and current information about the child you would like to enrol.

Nursery Enrolment Location
Childs Details
Please specify the language most spoken at home
Step 2 of 7 Completed

Parental Responsibility and Siblings

Please provide accurate and current information of siblings, parents, guardians and/or carers with legal parental responsibility.

Additional Children Delete Add Child
Parental Responsibility Delete Add Parent
Does this person have legal “Parental Responsibility” for the child?
Step 3 of 7 Completed

Wellbeing and Healthcare

Please provide accurate and current information of parents, guardians and/or carers with legal parental responsibility.

Emergency Contact Delete Add Contact
Child Collection Details
Please provide the name of the person who will usually collect the child
Please provide a password to collect the child
Alternative Child Collection Details Delete Add Collector
Please provide the name of an alternative person who may collect the child
Medical Details
Does your child have any allergies
Does your child have any pre-existing medical conditions
Does your child have a care plan
Current Immunisations
2 Months
3 Months
4 Months
12-13 Months
3 1/2 Years
GP Details
Please provide the name of the childs GP and Practice
Dentist Details
Please provide the name of the childs Dentist and Practice
Health Visitor Details
Please provide the name of the childs health visitor details and clinic
Addtional Healthcare Details
Please provide details of any other professionals involved in your child's care
Step 4 of 7 Completed

Special Needs and Disabilities

Please provide full details of any special educational needs and/or disabilities your child has.

Special Needs and Disabilities
Please provide details of any special educational needs/disabilities
Please provide details of any other general comments to help your child settle in at our nursery
Previous Pre-Nursery or Childcare Experience
Step 5 of 7 Completed

Nursery Enrolment

Please provide details of your preferred nursery location and childcare requirements.

Nursery Sessions
Please provide details of any other childcare sessions required

Note: sessions are subject to availability and can be discussed with site managers.

Start Date
Childcare Funding

Note: Please note we can also help you apply for this funding.

Step 6 of 7 Completed

Permission and Authorisation

Please provide legal parental responsibility consent to the items listed below.

Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR
May we use your child’s image (unidentified) in photos and videos in the nursery’s Newsletters sent to all parents? Photo/Video Use Newsletter
May we use your child’s image (unidentified) on the nursery’s website? Photo/Video Use Website
May we use, if selected your child’s work (unidentified) on the nursery’s website? Display Childs Work Website
May we use your child’s photograph (unidentified) in the Nursery prospectus and other printed publications / displays that we produce for promotional purposes? Photography Use Prospectus
May we use, if selected your child’s work on the nursery’s social media pages? Display Childs Work Social Media
May we record your child’s image (unidentified) on video or webcam? Record Webcam
Step 7 of 7 Completed

Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions represent the entire agreement and understanding between the parents and the Nursery

Terms and Conditions
Nursery Places and Bookings

The nursery must receive a signed and fully completed application form before a place can be considered. Full and part time sessions must fit in to the session times detailed on the application form.

One month`s notice is required for changes to session times; however, we will attempt to meet individual needs where necessary.

Fees and Invoices

Fees are charged monthly/weekly in advance and must be paid before the 1st of each month by internet banking or standing order.

Late payment of fees will result in an automatic charge of £50.00. At the end of the month a polite warning letter will be issued that the nursery placement will be suspended if fees are not paid immediately. If no payment is received the nursery place will be suspended with immediate effect and will not be reinstated until the arrears are paid in full; places will be subject to availability. Further action will be taken to recover any outstanding fees.

All sessions booked must be paid for, regardless of whether your child attends. No refunds will be given for sessions missed due to holidays or sickness. Failure to meet payments will result in the termination of the Nursery place and in such circumstances the parents will not be entitled to a refund of any fees or deposits.

Fees are payable during periods of absence from the Nursery, including sickness, holidays and public and bank holidays and in the last week of the year when nursery closed. We do not offer alternatives for sessions that are not attended.

In the event of Nursery closure due to unforeseen circumstances, fees will NOT be refunded to your account.

Holiday Discount

A holiday discount rate 20% will be given for holidays for a maximum of two weeks in any given year provided the Nursery receives a minimum of one month`s written notice of the dates. The discount is only applicable for One holiday per year per family.

Parental Responsibility

All mothers who give birth to their children automatically have PR (Parental Responsibility) for their children. If she is married at the time of the child’s birth, her husband/wife shares PR. However if the parents are not married and the child was born after 01 December 2013 and the father’s name is on the birth certificate he shares PR with the mother otherwise the mother has PR. Carers can also apply for parental responsibility if they do not automatically have it.

Operating Hours

Faith Montessori Nursery is open from 8.00am to 18.30pm.

We have an Early Bird Session available from 7.30am at an additional cost.

It is imperative that children are collected promptly at the end of each session. Parents/carers who know they are going to be late MUST inform the Nursery at the earliest opportunity. Parents/carers who are late will receive a late charge of £10.00. If you are 15 minutes late collecting your child, every 15 minutes thereafter will be charged at £10.00.

2gether Funding

We also accept two year olds on the 2gether Funding. Please contact your local children`s centre to find out if you are entitled to this.

Sibling Discount

The Nursery offers a reduction fee if you enrol your second child and subsequent children with us. This is only applicable if both children attend a minimum of 2 days each (4 sessions each). If two or more children attend 2 days (4 sessions each) with us you will receive 5% discount for the second child and a 10% discount for the third child. Grant ONLY children will not be entitled to the sibling discount. The full fees become payable when only one child is attending the nursery. The discount will only apply when two or more siblings attend the nursery.

Grant ONLY

No payment is required from parents who ONLY get the Nursery Education Grant and whose children do not attend any extra sessions at the Nursery.

It is the responsibility of parents in receipt of the grant to provide the required documentation (child`s birth certificate or passport) and to complete the grant forms. This is a compulsory requirement from the council and if this is not done the grant cannot be claimed for your child.


No payment is required from parents who are enrolled at Colleges AND the Colleges have agreed to pay their childcare fees. It is the responsibility of parents who get the childcare fees paid at their College to provide and complete the required documentation (College Childcare Forms). It is also the responsibility of parents to inform the Nursery if their College stops making childcare payments to the Nursery. If the Nursery is not informed on time all payments accrued will be the responsibility of the parents.


Parents are required to pay the full Childcare fees directly to the nursery when it has been received by their University or Student Finance.

It is the responsibility of parents who get the childcare fees paid by their Universities to provide and complete the required documentation (University Childcare Forms)

One month`s written notice is required if you wish to take your child out of the Nursery.

Early Years Entitlement

Early Years Entitlement funding is available for all 3 and 4 years olds from the term following their third birthday. You will be notified by the Nursery when your child is eligible. The grant will only be eligible to parents who bring in their child`s original birth certificate or passport. The Nursery will take a copy and return the original to you. The grant amount will be deducted from your childcare fees. The grant is for 38 weeks in a year spread over 3 terms. Full fees are payable for 14 weeks in the year after the end of each term and before the start of the next term.

If you have any questions about the grant please speak to the Manager or Deputy Manager.

15 & 30 Hours Funding

There is no deposit or payment required for children that attend the free funded 15 or 30 hours only. If you want your child to attend for any additional hours, full fees for the additional hours will be payable.

The Free Funded hours is available for 38 weeks in a year (Term Time Only). If attendance is required during the holidays, full fees is payable. Parents will be required to complete, sign the Funding Forms and return to the nursery.

30 Hours code and renewing the code:

For Parents that qualify – Please see for the eligibility criteria.

It is the parents/carers responsibility to apply for the 30 hours code if and when your child becomes eligible. Once approved, parents will be issued a code which must be given to the nursery. The nursery will check the code on Lewisham Council’s Free Entitlement Portal and once approved, your child will be eligible for the 30 hours funding. Your child will become eligible from the term after your child turns 3. Parents must remember to reapply for the code when requested to do so by the government. If parents/carers attend the nursery when the code is not valid, parents/carers will be responsible and liable to pay the fees that the nursery is unable to recoup from Free Entitlement.

Nursery Closure

The Nursery will be closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year`s Day and those Bank Holidays associated with these days. i.e. Christmas Day, Boxing Day or New Year’s Day is on Saturday or Sunday, the relevant Bank Holiday(s) will be carried to Monday/Tuesday. The Nursery will also remain closed for the last five working days of the year up to New Year. For other Bank Holiday(s) during the year the nursery will be closed. The Nursery will close for 3 days during the year for Staff Training. The Nursery will give a minimum of 4 weeks` notice before any closure for Staff Training Days.

The Nursery may an occasion have to shut due to adverse weather conditions. Under such extreme conditions all parents will be notified by phone calls, text or email.

Full Fees are payable for all Bank Holidays, The Nursery`s closure at Christmas, Staff Training Days, Lockdowns, Infections, Government closures and closure due to bad weather.

Behaviour Management

We may require parents to withdraw or remove their child from Nursery in the event that the Nursery considers the child to be disruptive or displaying inappropriate behaviour.

We will not tolerate Nursery staff being spoken to in an abusive or threatening manner by parents, carers or children. Such behaviour may result in the termination of a Nursery place.

Personal Property and Belongings

The Nursery cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to children’s property. Every reasonable effort will be made by the Nursery staff to ensure the children’s belongings are not lost or damaged.

Practical ‘inexpensive’ clothing is strongly recommended for children attending Faith Montessori Nursery. It is the parent’s responsibility to name and clearly label all items of clothing.

We suggest that all toys, books or other equipment are left at home.

The nursery has provided sheds in the garden for the storage of buggies if parents wish.Buggies kept at the nursery are kept at the owners’ risk. The nursery accepts no liability for any damaged, stolen or lost buggies.


We require one months’ notice, in writing, should you wish to terminate a Nursery place for any reason. Parents still remain liable for fees throughout the notice period. If a parent withdraws their child during this notice period, the fees shall still remain payable. We reserve the right to terminate a Nursery place with immediate effect if any fees are not paid by the due date, or if a parent, carer or child displays abusive, threatening or otherwise inappropriate behaviour.

In all other circumstances we will give you one months' notice, in writing, should we wish to terminate a Nursery place for any reason.

If the parent for any reason postpones a start date, we reserve the right to charge from the original start date stated on the application form unless the Nursery is given enough notice of the new start date.

If a parent wishes to change the number of sessions taken at Nursery, one months' notice, in writing, must be given and a 'Change of Sessions' form must be completed and handed in at Nursery.


The Nursery accepts no responsibility for any loss suffered by parents, arising directly or indirectly, as a result of the Nursery being temporarily closed or the non-admittance of your child to the Nursery for any reason, this applies to absence due to sickness, holidays and Bank Holidays. We accept no responsibility for children whilst in their parents care on Nursery premises, i.e. during drop-off and at pick up times.

The Nursery accepts no responsibility for children whilst in their parents care at events organised by The Nursery at other venues. This include the Christmas Party and Family Fun Day.

We will not be liable to parents and / or children for any economic loss of any kind, for damage to the child's or parents property, for any loss resulting from a claim made by any third party or for any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage of any kind.

We will make reasonable endeavours to keep parents and / or children's property in good order.

Liability for damage of such property is excluded except where caused by our negligence.

Accidents and Illness

We reserve the right to administer basic first aid and treatment when necessary.

Parents will be informed of all accidents (that are seen by the nursery) and will be required to sign an accident form. For accidents of a more serious nature, involving hospital treatment, all attempts will be made by Nursery to contact the parents but failing this, we are hereby authorised to act on behalf of parents and authorise necessary treatment. We will administer prescribed medicines if parents complete a 'Medicine Consent' form; however, the first dose of medicine must be given at home and parents must take all medicines home at the end of each day. We may require parents to withdraw their child from Nursery, in the event that they require special medical care or attention, which is not available or refused by parents or it is considered that the child is not well enough to attend Nursery. We may also ask parents to withdraw their child from Nursery, if we have reasonable cause to believe that they are or maybe suffering from or has suffered from any contagious disease/infection and there remains a danger that other children at the Nursery may contract such a disease/infection. We accept no responsibility for children contracting contagious diseases/infections. Parents are requested to inform the Nursery if their child is suffering from any illness, sickness or allergies before attending Nursery.

We have a realistic attitude to the needs of working parents but we reserve the right to contact parents if their child becomes ill during Nursery hours to pick up their child from the Nursery.

It is the responsibility of parents to inform the nursery of all accidents and injuries that their children have brought from home. In this instances the Accident from Home form must be completed and signed by parents.


Under no circumstances will the child be allowed to leave Nursery with anyone unknown to Nursery staff unless the parent has previously arranged this. If the parent has made alternative arrangements by telephone, the Nursery will require the name, address and telephone number of the person permitted to collect the child and proof of identity will be required upon arrival at the Nursery. A list of responsible adults who are authorised to collect the child should be given to the Nursery Manager, Deputy Manager or Owner. The Nursery also uses a password system. Passwords must be given to the person picking up your child and also to the Nursery. Your Child will not be released into their care if they do not confirm the password and identify themselves to members of Staff at The Nursery.

General Information

Parents are requested to inform the Nursery of any food, medicine, activity or any other circumstances that may cause the child to have an allergic reaction/allergy. Parents must provide details, in writing, of the severity of the reaction/allergy and must continue to inform the Nursery of any changes/progress to the condition, in writing, when they become aware. Parents are requested to inform the Nursery of any changes to all information kept in the Nursery.

Settling Days

The Nursery encourages parents to attend setting in Days prior to their child starting at the Nursery. Settling-In Days provided by the Nursery are free and will be for 1 hour initially building up to a few hours over a few days in the week prior to your child starting at the Nursery. The free Settling Days are offered at the discretion of the Nursery and terms and times cannot be demanded by parents. Parents are however able to pay for more Settling Days if they feel their child requires it.

Safeguarding Children/Child Protection

Faith Montessori Nursery has a duty of care to ensure the safety and welfare of all the children in its care. As childcare professionals we abide by the Lewisham Safeguard Children Board ( LSCB) and EYFS Welfare Requirements. We will protect all children from harm and any concerns regarding their safety will be appropriately investigated by the Faith Montessori Nursery Nominated / Designated person.

Any action taken will remain confidential and details will only be seen by the relevant parties involved. This procedure is standard to all day care settings and is a requirement by OFSTED.


These Terms and Conditions represent the entire agreement and understanding between the parents and the Nursery. Any other understandings, agreements, warranties, conditions, terms or representations, whether verbal or written, expressed or implied are excluded to the fullest extent, permitted by law. We reserve the right to update/amend these Terms and Conditions at any time. One months’ notice will be given of any changes made.

ALL the Registration Forms and all other forms required by the Nursery for Parents to complete FORM part of these Terms and Conditions.

Print Name


Please draw your signature in the box below and the click the save button.
Signature Instructions

1. Please use your mouse to draw in the signature box in white.

2. You can undo or delete the drawing using the buttons labeled below.

3. Once you are happy with your signature please press SAVE to save the signature before submitting the completed form.